Hi, as for my first investment in a Subaru, I was hooked up I guess you could say with a 1996 Subaru Legacy L wagon. Its got the 2.2 liter
with single overhead cams, and the 16 valve heads. So far this car has been amazing. I I am either the 3rd or 4th owner. This car has 316800
miles. I just bought it from one of my mom's co workers, whom of which took very good care of it making sure to service all wheel drive
system, making sure to service the CV joints and the u joints. It's also had a new timing belt water pump drive belts including the
alternator power steering and ac, and a brand new alternator also. I have the receipt in the jockey box proving that this vehicle was owned
by my local city government, of which I went and talked to the people who service the government cars here in my town, and those cars receive
all the regular maintenance whether they were driven or not as stated per manufacturer service manual. This means A premium oil change every
3 months regardless of mileage, the automatic transmission has been serviced at its regular intervals regardless of mileage. Spark plugs have
been serviced regularly, and everything else on this car has been amazingly well taken care of. I have just recently change the oil myself, I
always change my cars at 3,000 miles or 3 months whichever comes first with either Pennzoil 5w30 conventional, or Valvoline 5w30 conventional.
I personally do not know if the engine has been rebuilt or not, but it does not burn oil, it just leaks oil which these motors are prone to
The last owner put 4 brand new tires on this car, and there's also a receipt stating that its received A rack and pinion service, inner and
outer tie rod ends, and probably a lot more before that. The only thing truly wrong with this car that I can see at the moment, has to be the
oxidation of the paint and clear coat on the car. It is not that bad, but the paint has started to fade where the clear coat has peeled off.
The owner before me said that she bought it from the Department of Labor here in my hometown of Twin Falls Idaho. And she was selling it for
$1,200, because all it was doing was sitting out in front of her house. I put a $200 down deposit on it and snatched it up as quick as I
could with my taxes. It had been sitting since the fair last year in 2015, and when I went to look at it the battery was dead and we jumped
it for about five minutes of
another car and then as soon as we turned the heat cranked over twice and fired right up no problems. I am really really amazed at how well
this car has been treated and how Alec treating me right now. It's taking a little bit of work but I'm pretty sure any car this old is going
to take a little bit of work.

My 1996 Subaru Legacy Outback wagon (2.2 5 speed) just rolled over 300,000 miles. I bought it used in June 2003 with 165,000 on it. At 200,265 miles I
replaced the alternator with a rebuilt from Autozone. I have had to replace it several times since, but it is lifetime warranted so it's a free swap. I had
to replace the mass air flow sensor at 208,168 with a used from the salvage yard. At 245,014 I replaced the clutch. Other than that it's been routine
maintanance such as brakes, belts, plugs etc. I keep the oil changed every 5000 miles with Mobil 5000. I do have to add about a quart of oil every 2000 or
so miles. It leaks some and uses some but never really smokes.
I pull a 5x10 box trailer behind it quite a bit and have hauled some pretty heavy loads in it. The heaviest load was a load of coal that weighed 2700
lbs. I pulled that through the mountains about 200 miles.
The second picture I sent is of the car just after pulling the corn planter home that is behind it. I pulled it about 50 miles. It's 15 ft. wide and was
real fun pulling out a narrow winding 2 lane road. I'm sure I got some funny looks pulling that behind my Subaru.
The body is starting to rust around the rear fenderwells. If it doesn't rust out I'm going to try for 400,000. I'll let you know when that happens.
Dave Eddy.
Walker WV.
----- Original Message -----
From: Subaru High Mileage Club
To: 'David Eddy'
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: Subaru High Mileage Club
Hopefully you weren’t doing nearly 85 mph pulling the corn planter on a narrow winding 2-lane road :-)
Richard B. Kahn
That's a good one. No, I wasn't pulling any load when it rolled over. The fastest I was able to go pulling the planter was 45 on Rt 50, a 4 lane road.
At that speed it started swaying back and forth, so I let off the gas and slowed down. I hope I never get the idea to pull a load like that again.
By the way, my brother owns a 92 SVX and my Dad owns a 2002 Outback LL Bean. I have owned seven Subaru's so far. My first new car was a 94 Impreza.
I traded it for a new 99 Legacy GT. A few years later we saw my 94 for slae on a car lot and dad traded a Justy for it. He has since sold the 94 to a
friend that is still driving it. I traded the 99 for a new 2002 WRX. I eventually sold the WRX on ebay. I bought a 92 and 95 SVX on ebay. I sold the 92 to
my brother and the 95 on ebay. The 95 went clear to California. I also owned a 82 Subaru wagon with over 180,000 miles on it that I paid $175 for.
It rusted so bad I scrapped it, but I kept the motor and used it to build a homemade generator.
And now I have the 96 Outback. As you can probably tell, I am definately a Subaru fan.
From: "Max Bliss"
Subject: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 19:15:46 -0500
Hi Rich,
I just ran across your Subaru High Mileage Club site and thought I would see
if I could join you.
I'm driving a '93 Impreza 2WD sedan. It has 387,000 miles on it as of today
and still going strong. I absolutely love the car! I bought it new in '93
and since that day have changed the oil every 3,000 miles RELIGIOUSLY . . .
never missed a single oil change! I switched to Penzoil high mileage oil at
about 300,000. It doesn't burn any oil nor does it leave any drops on the
floor of my garage. I haven't had to do much in terms of repairs on the car
other than routine or expected things, i.e. timing belts, brakes, batteries,
starter, struts, etc. The only major repair was at 310,000 at which time I
had the transmission rebuilt because it was occasionally coming out of 2nd
gear (manual) involuntarily! The car is still totally reliable and I plan
to drive it cross country for the Christmas holiday.
I'll check back after I hit the big 400K!
Corning, NY
Subj: Re: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:43 AM
From: richard kelley
To: shmc001@comcast.net
Got yor E-mail, Thanks for checking in. My 88 GL wagon has just went pass 361,000. It's bleeding
a little oil from the main seal I believe, and that will be fixed soon. Everything else is just
fine. I'm planning to take an extended trip to the midwest this fall in my Super Sube, with all
the confidence in the world. She'll see 400,000 I think. Drive on Suburu Nation..
Richard Kelley,,, Molalla,Oregon.
Subj: Re: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: 3/28/2005 9:17:15 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Shmc001
To: rekelley@oregonsbest.com
Hey Rich,,,, My name is Richard Kelley, and you've put my little Subaru GL wagon in your 300,000
club. The little buggy is up to 328,000 now and I thought I'd give an update. The water pump
gave way the other day, and while replacing that I had them put a new timing belt in and Idler
and tensioner. Went on a 800 mile trip over the weekend, and the thing just purred along like a
champ. The excellent mechanics at Same Day Service in Clackamas Oregon, are helping me see this
great car into 400,000 and who knows where. Many miles Subaru Nation!!!
Richard Kelley...............
Subj: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: 3/27/2004 4:19:41 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: rekelley@oregonsbest.com
To: shmc001@comcast.net
I bought my GL wagon off the show room floor in 88, now it has 303,200
miles. I've put a timing belt in at about 160,000, a new radiator in
at about 250,000, a couple of axle bearings, and the clutch finally
went at 300,000. I burn only premium in the tank, change the oil and
filter every 3,000. This amazing car has taken on many of a ski trip
Richard Kelley, Molalla, Oregon.
up the mountain with no problem, drives on the beach, and my daily
comute to work. It's been my trusty companion for all these years, I'm
just wondering, how long is this little buggy is going to go?
Subj: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: 10/2/2001 10:11:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: michael fitzpatrick
To: nv1z@aol.com
howdy, I am a proud owner of a 1990 2wd sub legacy wagon with 305,000 miles. I bought it with
170k. Orginal engine and no major problems. My dad has the same model but had to replace engine
and tranny at 280K. My engine is strong but I might be getting blow by and that has causes some
radiator problems lately. I will be getting another suby with 160k this week and swapping out
parts. They are great. My email is infotube1@yahoo.com. Thanks
michael fitzpatrick
Subj: Re: Subaru High Mileage Club
Date: 10/3/2001 10:44:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: michael fitzpatrick
To: Nv1z@aol.com
Well I borrowed a digital camera at work so here is
some pics. As a bio on the car, no major deals but
these: orginal owner replaced drive axle because oil
changing places were not checking the level. All air
struts replaced until I realized they could be
replaced. The differential oil started to leak into
the tranny around 302K but I added stop leak and
watched the levels. Replaced tranny oil a couple of
times to avoid the 80 wieght diff. oil messing up my 5
wieght tranny oil. Here is the pics/.
michael fitzpatrick 888-463-1452
Check out my personal website at http://www.180300.royalbodycare.com
Found your page while browsing.
I currently own two Subarus. Here is my Subaru stats:
DL 83 4WD Wagon: The odometer shows 253493, but it was replaced with one
that had 45000 less miles, and lately the second odometer hasn't worked
either so the car has at least 310000 miles. It still runs, starts right up
even after been sitting for a month. But since the heater doesn't work all
that great I got a new Legacy Outback 5sp: It now has close to 90000.
Have seen no problem with it.
(Actually the older performs much better in snow than the new, could be the
tire size)
Jan P Ingebrigtsen
Gilpin, Colorado
    Hi Rich,
    Here are some pictures of our car. A caliper seized right after I
first e-mailed you, thus the delay. Now she has new master cylinder,
calipers, wheel cylinders, rotors, et.
    We purchased this car new in 1991, 4WD Loyale, and at this time it
has 332,100 miles on it. The picture is very flattering. It has quite a
bit of hail damage, and is starting to rust here and there, but it still
looks pretty good for a car that has never been garaged. I quit worrying
about appearances after the hail. Also, every piece of glass has been
broken out at least once. I got a side glass with my weed eater, a
neighbor's chicken flew up through the windshield, and vandals got
everything but the windshield, including instrument cluster cover while
at a shop for timing belts. Hence, the broken plastic in instrument
    This car has not had an easy life. I put it in the ditch hard,
twice, playing too fast in the snow. I pulled the wrinkle out of a
fender by hand, and driver side wheel bearings only last about 80,000
    The clutch and transmission have never been serviced. The engine
has only had one water pump and oil pump. The most service this car has
had is in CV joints and timing belts. While I had it in my garage doing
brakes, I put the first distributor cap, rotor, and plug wire set on it.
Oh yeah, since new, the plug hole on #1 cylinder has had bad threads.
That's why I gave it such a good tune-up. I may not be able to replace
that spark plug without heli-coiling head. But, since that is only it's
4th set of plugs, they will take me past 400,000 miles.
    I am thoroughly impressed with this little car. It drives like new,
the interior is almost perfect, which says a lot considering all the
glass it's had in it. She doesn't use any more oil than when I bought
her. There is not a Lexus, Infinity, Mercedes, BMW, et, that intimidates
me when I pull up. I proudly tell them how many miles she has on her,
and they always say "WOW!", and probably think "poor broke sucker".
Nope! Jan and I have been waiting for years to hit that 400k mark. Hee
David & Jan Atwill
Chadwick, MO